19. Mr. MACLEANasked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that 53 per cent. of the shipbuilding and ship-repairing workers in Glasgow are unemployed; and whether, in view of the extensive ship-repairing programme of the Admiralty, he can place any of that work with the Glasgow shipyards?
Mr. ALEXANDERThe reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The main function of the Royal Dockyards is the repair of the Fleet, and for many years it has been the policy of 1162 the Admiralty to send to private yards only such work as cannot be undertaken in the Royal Yards. At the present time the removal of any repair work would entail discharges of men in the Royal Yards as well as causing extra expense and inconvenience. I regret, therefore, that the answer to the second part of the question is in the negative.
Mr. MACLEANIs it not the case that there is a likelihood of additional men being employed in Government yards, and could not some of that extra work be sent to the Clyde?
Mr. ALEXANDERThere is no question of additional men in the yards as a whole. In fact, we are only stabilising the number by reducing the entries.
Viscountess ASTORWas it not always the policy of the Socialist Government that national work should be done in national yards?