§ 13. Mr. G. MACDONALDasked the First Lord of the Admiralty the quantity of coal used by the British Navy during each of the last three years ended 31st December, 1930?
Mr. ALEXANDERThe quantities of coal used by the Royal Navy during the years in question were as follow:
Tons. 1928 … … … 247,000 1929 … … … 208,000 1930 … … … 182,000
§ Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYWhy, if the right hon. Gentleman is able to give the figures for coal, does he refuse the figures for oil?
Mr. ALEXANDERThe hon. and gallant Gentleman, with his knowledge of the Navy, should be able to answer that question for himself.
§ Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYI do not know the answer. May I have some elucidation?
§ Colonel ASHLEYDo the figures imply that manoeuvre time is being curtailed as compared with former years?
Mr. ALEXANDERNo, this means that there is a reduction in the number of ships that are burning coal.