§ 40. Mr. DAYasked the Minister of Transport whether he can now give any further details with reference to the prohibition of certain classes of slow-moving vehicles, including those drawn by horses or other animals, in Oxford Street or other West End centres; and can he state whether it is proposed further to control the flow of traffic in the West End area by signal lights?
§ Mr. HERBERT MORRISONFull details of the proposals regarding the prohibition of slow moving vehicles in Oxford Street are contained in the draft London Traffic 386 (Oxford Street) Regulations, 1931, of which I am sending my hon. Friend a copy. Notice of my intention to make these Regulations has already been given in the "London Gazette." As regards the second part of the question I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer which I gave on 11th February to a question by the hon. Member for Kennington (Mr. Matters) of which I am sending him a copy.
§ Mr. DAYCan my right hon. Friend say whether the automatic signals that will be used will control three or four streets at one time?
§ Mr. MORRISONI should hardly think that one set of signals would control more than one crossing.
§ Mr. DAYIs it not a fact that automatic signals, controlling several crossings, are working very satisfactorily on the Continent?
§ Sir WILLIAM MITCHELL-THOMSONCan the right hon. Gentleman say when the regulations will become operative?
§ Mr. MORRISONI think that a period of 40 days is allowed to elapse for the making of representations.
§ Captain GUNSTONWill the right hon. Gentleman explain what the expression "or other animals" means? Does it refer to the patient oxen?
§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHYAsses.