§ 63. Major BRAITHWAITEasked the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been called to the increased charges being made by the inspectors of the Board inspecting annually the boats in use in Bridlington harbour; and if he will say what is the reason for the increases in view of the present depressed condition of this industry?
§ Mr. W. R. SMITHUnder Section 18 of the Economy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1926, it is provided that the amount of the fees to be charged under the Merchant Shipping Acts shall be so fixed, and from time to time readjusted, that the aggregate amount of the fees is approximately equal to half of the aggregate cost of the administration of the services in respect of which the fees are payable. As there had been a serious falling-off in the fees received during 1930, it was necessary to readjust the fees as from 1st December, 1930. This was done by discontinuing the discount of 16⅔per cent. allowed prior to that date off all Board of Trade Survey and Mercantile Marine services fees. The fees for passenger steamer surveys, which govern the charges made for the inspection of Bridlington motor boats carrying more than 12 passengers, were accordingly increased to the extent represented by the abolition of the discount.
§ Sir JOHN GANZONIHas there been any instance of a reduction?
§ Mr. SMITHThe fact that there was a discount allowed, and which is now removed, is evidence that at one time they were higher.
§ Mr. WOMERSLEYIs the hon. Gentleman aware that this is inflicting great hardship?
§ Mr. SMITHWe always do our best to consider all the circumstances and factors connected with the case.
§ Mr. WOMERSLEYWill the hon. Gentleman be prepared to receive representations on the matter?