HC Deb 22 June 1931 vol 254 cc15-6
18. Mr. HANNON

asked the Secretary of State for India what was the number and value of railway locomotive engines imported into India during the first five months of the current year from Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and the United States, respectively, with the corresponding figures for the same period of 1930?


I am circulating a statistical table giving the desired information so far as I have it.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether His Majesty's Government are doing everything that they can to encourage the Government of India to deal with this country?


The hon. Member is aware, from many answers which I have given, of the limitations which are put upon Government action.

Following is the table:

The information asked for is available only to the extent shown in the following table. (Figures of the number of engines imported are not available.)

Railway locomotive engines and tenders and parts.

Imports into India from—

United, Kingdom.
1930. 1931.
Rs. Rs.
January 25,01,808 8,18,409
February 5,26,134 9,66,025
March 21,80,935 9,93,114
52,08,877 27,77,548
1930. 1931.
Rs. Rs.
January 8,206 14,954
February 6,35,941 7,723
March 10,85,068 36,110
17,29,215 58,787
United States.
1930. 1931.
Rs. Rs.
January 38,703 5,726
February 1,01,715 28,073
March 19,372 36,280
1,59,790 70,079
Other Countries.
1930. 1931.
Rs. Rs.
January 43,060 19,068
February 1,124 45,902
March 30,386 13,976
74,570 78,946

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