§ 3. Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHYasked the Minister of Labour whether she is in a position to make any statement about the proposal to bring agricultural workers within the scope of unemployment insurance, now that the interim report, Cmd. 3872, of the Royal Commission has been laid?
§ Miss BONDFIELDThe Commissioners indicate in their first report in paragraphs 6 and 9, that they propose to deal later with the question whether industries or occupations at present outside the scheme should be brought within it. Evidence from the agricultural industry was taken last week.
§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHYSeeing that we have had an interim report about married women, for example, would it not be possible to get an interim report about the position of agricultural labourers?
§ Miss BONDFIELDI do not think it would be.
§ Mr. HORE-BEL1SHADoes the answer mean that the right hon. Lady is going to accept the recommendation of the Commission on that particular point, or have the Government a policy of their own?
§ Miss BONDFIELDIt obviously means that the Government will consider any report before it comes to a decision.
Lieut. - Colonel Sir FREDERICK HALLIs there any use whatever in having interim reports if the Government do not intend to act on them?