HC Deb 10 June 1931 vol 253 cc1015-7
22. Mr. BROCKWAY (for Mr. HORRA-BIN)

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies the acreage allotted to each of the separate tribes embraced within the total area of the Native reservations in Kenya Colony; the estimated numbers of each tribe; and the estimated head of livestock owned by each tribe?


As the answer to this question necessarily contains a large number of figures, I will, with my hon. Friend'" permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

1. The following are the areas of the Native Reserves in Kenya which, according to the latest information in the Colonial Office, have been gazetted:—

Square Miles.
North Kavirondo 2,394
Central Kavirondo 1,772
South Kavirondo 2,956
Nandi 736
Lumbwa (Belgut Buret and Sotik) 830
Suk 3,389
Kamasia 1,600
Marakwet 752
Elgeyo 412
Njemps 255
Masai 14,854
Kiambu 400
Fort Hall 583
Nyeri 743
Embu 1,090
Meru 2,471
Machakos (Ulu) 1,670
Kikumbuliu 496
Kitui (including Mumoni and Tharaka) 5,911
Taveta 46
Dabida 200
Sagalla 82
Northern Nyika 2,367
Southern Nyika 1,825
Digo detached areas 77
Southern Pokomo 30
Central Pokomo 127
Northern Pokomo 119
Total 48,187

The Northern Frontier Province and the Turkana Province have been declared "closed districts," but as explained in reply to the question of the hon. Member for Camberwell, N. W., on the 8th December, 1930, the question of declaring these Provinces as native reserves has not arisen.

2. According to a return received in 1929 the estimated total native population of the various tribal districts was as follows:

Tribal Districts. Estimated total native population.
Central Kavirondo 370,046
South Kavirondo 320,514
North Kavirondo 332,835
Lumbwa-Kericho 79,140
Nandi 38,982
Nyeri 211,850
Fort Hall 176,667
Kyambu-Nairobi 113,045
Meru 142,744
Embu-Chuka 93,238
Machakos 216,932
Kitui 133,971
Teita 37,251
Coastal 100,436
Suk, Elgeyo, Marakwet—Kerio Province 165,923
Masai 51,743
Total 2,585,317

Note.—The native population in the North Frontier District is probably about 100,000, but no close estimate can at present be given.

3. Full particulars of the livestock owned by natives are given on pages 61 and 62 of the Agricultural Census for the Colony for 1930, a copy of which is being placed in the Library of the House.

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