§ 9. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYasked the Secretary of State for India whether the agency company that has been registered in India for the purpose of buying and exporting stocks of boycotted cloth is a private or public company; if the latter, whether the public in India are to be invited to subscribe capital and who are the directors?
§ 23. Mr. REMERasked the Secretary of State for India if he can state whether British cloth has actually been re-exported by the Foreign Piece Goods Export Company, Limited, from India; and, if so, will he state the quantity and to what countries this cloth has been re-exported?
§ Mr. BENNThe Company is a public company. No shares have so far been offered for public subscription. I am circulating a list of the directors. The company has not yet acquired any stocks for re-exportation.
§ Following are the directors:
§ Sir Ness Wadia and
§ Messrs. F. E. Dinshaw,
§ S. D. Saklatwala,
§ H. P. Mody,
§ Lalji Naranji,
§ Chimanlal G. Parekh,
§ Kasturbhai Lalbhai,
§ Ambalal Sarabhai,
§ Trikamlal Girdharlal,
§ Devidas H. Shah,
§ G. D. Birla,
§ Sakarlal Balabhai and
§ Shankar Lal Banker.
§ Mr. BENNAs the company has not secured any stocks for exportation, the natural inference would be that no stocks have yet been re-exported.
§ Mr. REMERIn view of the importance of this matter, will the right hon. Gentleman keep the House fully informed as to what is happening?
§ Mr. BENNI have given to the House repeatedly, in answer to questions, ah the information which I could secure, and of course I shall continue to do so.
§ Mr. WARDLAW-MILNEIs the right hon. Gentleman in a position to say if the five lakhs have been subscribed?