HC Deb 28 July 1931 vol 255 c2106

(for Mr. WILLIAM NICHOLSON) asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been called to the correspondence which has taken place between the Droxford Rural District Council and the clerk to the commissioners of taxes for the Portsmouth fourth district with reference to the new Schedule-A (Income Tax) assessments which have recently been made in this district; whether he is aware that a number of small houses, consisting of five or six rooms, which are let at rents of 7s. a week plus rates, assessed for rating purposes at the gross value of £18, have been assessed under the new Schedule A at the gross value of £36; and whether he will have a full inquiry made into this matter?


I have inquired into this matter. At the time of making the assessments of annual value no particulars of the rents of these houses had been received and the annual values were assessed at estimated amounts. The owners have now given particulars of the rents and the assessments have been adjusted accordingly.