§ 83. Major McKENZIE WOOD(for Mr. DUNCAN MILLAR) asked the Secretary of State for Scotland, if he can state the instructions issued by the Department for Education to the education committees in Scotland as to the teaching of temperance in the public schools in Scotland and the number of lessons on this subject included each year in the school curriculum?
§ The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Mr. Westwood)Copies of the syllabus entitled "The Hygiene of Food and Drink," issued by the Board of Education, were sent by the Department to education authorities in Scotland on 20th September, 1920, together with a circular (No. 29) in which it was stated that it was desirable that the instruction in temperance in Scottish schools should be based on the information contained in the syllabus. I am sending the hon. Member copies of these papers. Opportunity for such instruction in temperance as the education authorities may think desirable is afforded under the subject of "Morals and Citizenship," which is part of the prescribed work of the older scholars. I am aware that a number of education authorities make contributions under Section 9 (4) of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1918, to temperance organisations in recognition of the work of their lecturers in the schools. The information asked for in the last part of the question is not available in the Department.