HC Deb 15 July 1931 vol 255 cc439-40

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether his attention has been called to the incon- venience caused by an aeroplane taking up passengers for short flights over Chelsfield, Kent, causing inconvenience to the inhabitants of the district, and especially to children and to those who are sick; and will he take steps to end this practice as soon as possible?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for AIR (Mr. Montague)

As the hon. Member is aware, the matter raised in his question has received the personal attention of my Noble Friend. It appears that the licensee of the aerodrome in question has taken reasonable steps, in the light of the various complaints which have reached him, to avoid unnecessary disturbance, and I under-understand that he has now decided to discontinue pleasure flights in this locality.


Will the hon. Gentleman consider the introduction of legislation to stop this nuisance to the inhabitants of any particular district where the owner of an aeroplane may think fit to make passenger flights?


It is a much larger question than I could deal with in answer to a supplementary question, but, so far as this particular case is concerned, the matter has solved itself.