HC Deb 07 July 1931 vol 254 cc1880-1

asked the Secretary for Mines if he will take steps to require, where overtime is worked in a mine, that the time of leaving the mine shall be signed, in addition to the register, by the person or persons who have been working overtime?


I do not think that my hon. Friend's suggestion, which would require legislation, would add materially to the safeguards already provided. In any case, to give effect to it would involve practical difficulties out of all proportion to any improvements on the existing system which might result.


Having regard to the fact that, in every case when overtime is called into dispute, there is a discrepancy between the time stated on the register and the time at which the man left, does not my hon. Friend think that it could be done without any opposition, and then we should be able to arrive at a correct statement of the actual facts?


Yes, but there are practical difficulties, such as the holding up of men at the end of their shift.


Having regard to the fact that this usually only involves two or three men, and they have in any case to hand in their tokens to the register, would it not be possible for them at the same time to initial the time at which they came off?


If it only involves two or three men, it is possible by administration to deal with the problem.