HC Deb 06 July 1931 vol 254 c1692
2 and 8. Mr. FREEMAN

asked the Secretary of State for India, (1) whether he can yet make any statement as to the carrying on of the proposals of the Round Table Conference for the future Government of Burma?

(2) whether he will assure the House that in the proposed Round Table Conference on Burma the same basis of free discussion and expression of opinion will be provided as in the original conference on India; and what method is being adopted to secure a representative delegation?


asked the Secretary of State for India whether any steps have yet been taken for the separation of Burma from India; if not, what is the reason for the delay; and, if so, what has been done and what form of Government it is proposed to set up?


I am in consultation with the Governments of India and Burma on this matter, and am not yet in a position to make any statement.


When does the right hon. Gentleman expect to be able to make a statement?


The matter naturally, has been the subject of a great deal of correspondence. The moment I have any information I shall place it at the service of the House.