HC Deb 01 July 1931 vol 254 cc1273-4

asked the First Commissioner of Works what response he has made to recent representations regarding the need for a concentration of Government offices in Edinburgh; and whether he will give instructions for new plans and designs to be prepared for a building on the Calton site, which will meet with the approval of the Fine Art Commission, and so make it possible to proceed as soon as practicable with the erection of the new offices there?


I have received a number of resolutions and other communications, as stated by my hon. Friend. I regret, however, that it is not possible to add anything to the reply which I gave him on this subject on 16th March last.


Does the right hon. Gentleman not realise the very great economy that there would be with the erection of such offices, not only economy in respect of rents being paid at present, but economy in time to people who have to go round these offices; and does the right hon. Gentleman's answer suggest that his Department is not capable of designing a building that would meet with the approval of the Fine Art Commission?


To the last part of the question, my answer is distinctly in the negative. With regard to the question of going on with the building in Edinburgh, it is subject to financial stringency.

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