§ Mr. Frederick Hall further reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee C: Mr. Atkinson, Mr. O'Connor, Sir Gervais Rentoul, Major Stanley, and Sir Hilton Young; and had appointed in substitution; Sir Henry Betterton, Mr. Hannon, Sir John Power, Mr. Reid, and Major Tryon.
§ Mr. Frederick Hall further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following Thirty Members to Standing Committee C (in respect of the Trade Disputes and Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill): the Lord Advocate, the Attorney-General, Lord Balniel, Mr. Stuart Bevan, Mr. Broad, Mr. Compton, Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Hammersley, Mr. Arthur Henderson, junr., Sir George Jones, Mr. Kedward, Mr. Lawrie, Mr. Philip Oliver, Captain Peake, Dr. Peters, Mr. Purbrick, Mr. Ramsbotham, Mr. West Russell, Sir Nairne Sandman, Sir James Sexton, Mr. T. Shaw, Mr. Short, Mr. Louis Smith, the Solicitor-General, Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, Mr. Tinker, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Winterton, Earl Winterton, and Sir Kingsley Wood.
§ Reports to lie upon the Table.