HC Deb 29 January 1931 vol 247 c1121

asked the Minister of Labour whether she will give an assurance that unemployed persons who are provided with smallholdings and allotments under Part 11 of the Agricultural Land (Utilisation) Bill will not be disallowed unemployment insurance benefit nor be classified as becoming not normally insured persons?


The question whether unemployment benefit can be allowed in a particular case is a matter for the independent statutory authority. It seems to be clear, however, from previous decisions of the umpire that the cultivation of an allotment garden will be no bar to benefit if the cultivator is available to take suitable employment. The right of a smallholder to receive benefit, would depend on the circumstances of the case, and would be decided by the statutory authority, but in no case could a smallholder receive both unemployment benefit and the maintenance allowance to be provided under the Bill.