HC Deb 26 January 1931 vol 247 cc595-7

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether any decision has yet been reached in connection with the suggestion made in the report of the Chelmsford Committee that a site should be acquired and buildings erected in which the British Industries Fair may be held in future years; and whether a committee will be appointed to formulate definite proposals?


A final decision must await the receipt and consideration of the report of a committee which it is proposed to appoint in pursuance of the recommendation in the Chelmsford Report.


asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether any decision has yet been raached in connection with an increased Government grant towards the advertisement of the British Industries Fair?


The recommendation in question is still receiving consideration.


Is the hon. Member aware that the Chelmsford Committe reported some months ago? Cannot the Government come to a decision in regard to their recommendations?


The decision in regard to next year's exhibition will have to be made within the next two or three weeks.

39. Mr. HANNON

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he will make a statement on the measures adopted by his Department to give the fullest possible advertisement to the forthcoming British Industries Fair at Olympia and Birmingham?


As the reply to this question is rather long, I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Will the hon. Member see that every possible effort is made by his Department to advertise the British Industries Fair?


Yes, Sir.


May I ask the hon. Member whether he is arranging, as a means of advertising this Fair, the writing of another article by the hon. Member for Treorchy in the "Western Mail" and the "Times"?

Following is the answer:

As regards publicity for the Fair overseas, a series of five letters, issued in 10 languages, was addressed personally to nearly 60,000 buyers in over 90 overseas countries. An advance edition of the catalogues of the London and Birmingham Sections of the Fair was issued immediately after Christmas to overseas buyers in countries sufficiently near to enable them to receive the catalogues before leaving for England. In addition, announcements about the Fair have appeared in appropriate organs of the Press in many foreign and Empire countries, while arrangements have also been made for the publication of articles relating to the Fair and various branches of British industry represented therein. British Chambers of Commerce abroad and local branches of British steamship companies, railways, banks, insurance companies, etc., have helped by displaying in their offices showcards and literature of the Fair printed in the language of the country. In some places, overseas officers of my Department have arranged for the display of posters relating to the Fair and for announcements by wireless. Notices about the Fair are displayed in the trains on European and other railway systems. Valuable publicity for the Fair is also secured by means of a special cancellation stamp which is used by the Post Office for all letters going overseas for some weeks preceding the date of the Fair.

As regards home publicity, in addition to a large amount of paid advertising which has been arranged for in the trade and general Press, the Fair receives a very generous amount of editorial notice in all sections of the Press, both on account of its general news value, and also, no doubt, in consequence of a genuine desire to support an important national enterprise. The showcards of the Fair are displayed in post offices, banks, etc., and by exhibitors, while this year, thanks to the generosity of the British Poster Advertising Association in placing at our disposal 12,500 free sites throughout Great Britain and Ireland, the Fair will be widely advertised by means of large posters. Many of the railway companies, including the London Metropolitan and Underground railways, also display posters relating to the Fair, while other posters are shown on omnibuses, vans, etc.

A large number of important advertising firms in addition to the actual exhibitors at the Fair, include in their Press advertisements a reference to the Fair. Arrangements have been made with the British Broadcasting Corporation for broadcast announcements about the Fair. The various Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations, etc., also give valuable assistance in bringing the Fair to the notice of their members. Invitations to over 160,000 trade buyers in this country will be issued prior to the Fair.

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