HC Deb 20 January 1931 vol 247 cc21-2

asked the Attorney-General whether he will consider the advisability of publishing a memorandum showing clearly, not in the form of an Act of Parliament, what changes in the existing law are proposed by the Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Bill?

The ATTORNEY - GENERAL (Sir William Jowitt)

I would commend the hon. and gallant Member's attention to the Memorandum on the Bill already presented to Parliament, and, if he and hon. Members would be good enough to have with them a copy of the White Paper, I think I shall have no difficulty in explaining the precise changes in the existing law which the Bill proposes on the Motion for Second Reading on Thursday next.

Major WOOD

Is the Attorney-General aware that the idea was not to inform opinion in this House, but to inform opinion in the country?


I hope to inform opinion in the country in the course of my speech on Thursday next.


Does the hon. and learned Gentleman not consider that Lord Buckmaster has already adequately informed opinion on this question?