HC Deb 20 January 1931 vol 247 cc27-8
Mr. EDE (by Private Notice)

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he is now in a position to make any statement in reference to the Haig statue?


Yes. Mr. Hardiman, the sculptor selected by the assessors appointed by my predecessor, has completed the second model. This has been approved by them, subject to some small modifications. The two models will be available for inspection in the Royal Gallery by Members of both Houses of Parliament on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, and on two days in the following week, after which the artist will be authorised to proceed on the work of the full-size statue.

Lieut.-Colonel MOORE

Have the new models been submitted to the various associations of ex-service men who served under the late Field-Marshal and also to Lady Haig for their consideration and views?


No, Sir, but I have communicated to them what is being done.

Captain W. G. HALL

Is it decided where the completed statue is to be put?


It is to be in Whitehall.