HC Deb 26 February 1931 vol 248 c2251

asked the Minister of Labour if she will state, to the most convenient date, the total amount of the grants made under the Development (Loan Guarantees and Grants) Act?


Since 1st June, 1929, up to 23rd February last, the estimated total cost of schemes of work for the relief of unemployment approved through the Unemployment Grants Committee was £59,928,000. Under Part I of the Development (Loan Guarantees and Grants) Act, 1929, the estimated total cost of schemes approved up to the same date on the recommendation of the Development (Public Utility) Advisory Committee was £34,669,000.

Class of Person in respect of whom relief is issued. Daily rates of unemployment relief in the Department of the Seine from 1st February, 1931.
francs. s. d.*
Head of household 8.00 1
Each child over 16, unemployed and living with head of household. 4.00
Spouse, not in employment, and each child under 16 dependent upon the unemployed person and either not in employment or earning less than four francs a day. 3.50
Father, mother, etc., not in employment, dependent upon head of household. 2.50
* Converted at the rate of 124.21 francs to the pound sterling.

In Germany, unemployment benefit varies according to the wage class of the unemployed person, and is the same for persons, whether male or female, in the same wage class who have served the same qualifying period. There are 11 wage classes, ranging from Wage Class I for wages up to and including 10 Reichs-