HC Deb 25 February 1931 vol 248 cc2128-30

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether a grant will be available from the Development Fund towards the cost of reconstructing the Royal Veterinary College; upon what conditions it will be made; whether any further grant will be available from other funds; and whether he is aware that in the event of the total sum required being unobtainable the college will not be able to continue its educational work?


The Treasury have sanctioned grants from the Development Fund amounting in all to £150,000, provided that the Governors obtain from other sources a sum of £100,000. Other conditions are attached to these grants, and I shall be happy to supply the hon. and gallant Baronet with a statement of them if he so desires; but they raise no difficulty, and have been accepted by the Governors. The hon. and gallant Baronet is no doubt aware that the Governors have themselves raised a sum which I understand is now slightly above £50,000. I can only add that I am well aware of the difficulties of the college.


Is it not deplorable that a great national institution of this character should he dependent for its existence on voluntary subscriptions?


I share the view of the hon. Member, but I have to deal with the situation as it is.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the application to which he referred in the House on a previous occasion, for a grant from the Pilgrim Trust has been successful?


I understand not.

Vice-Admiral TAYLOR

Has sufficient money been raised privately to enable the reconstruction work to be carried out, as I understand that it must take place by July?


I understand that there is no use beginning the work of reconstruction until at least £250,000 is in sight. That is not the case at present, and therefore there is no use proceeding. The hon. Member is aware that when this place has been rebuilt, as it ought to be, the expenses of maintenance and salaries will be very greatly increased.

Brigadier-General CLIFTON BROWN

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that great efforts are being made by masters of hounds in sending round appeals to their followers, and otherwise by private people, on behalf of this institution, and, in view of the fact that there is a real endeavour to collect this money will he see that the subscription list is kept open and endeavour to increase it.


I have not closed the subscription list, but I understand that the response from masters of hounds has been much less than was expected.

Brigadier-General BROWN

Give them time.

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