HC Deb 24 February 1931 vol 248 cc1943-4
36. Major WOOD

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that further great destruction has just been caused to cod-nets by foreign trawlers in the Moray Firth; whether he has made inquiries into the extent of the damage and the circumstances under which it was committed; and what steps he has taken or proposes to take to prevent the continual recurrence of such losses?


My attention has been drawn to this matter. Inquiries are in progress as to the extent of the damage, and as to the circumstances in which it occurred. All possible steps have been taken by the Departments concerned to deal with the matter. Some time ago the Belgian and Netherland Governments were asked to advise their trawlers to take precautions to avoid the cod-nets, and the Foreign Office have been informed that steps have been taken by the respective Governments for that purpose. As the hon. Member is aware, the Fishery Board for Scotland recently issued a special circular to the owners of all the cod-net vessels calling attention to the measures which they should take for reducing the risk of damage and for reporting particulars of any losses sustained. His Majesty's Ship "Spey" and the Fishery Board's cruisers have maintained a thorough patrol and have done everything possible to warn foreign trawlers as to the presence of cod-nets. I am expecting a full report on the recent complaints, and on its receipt I will consider what further steps can be taken. In the meantime an active patrol will be maintained, and I trust that the fishermen will co-operate by carrying out the Regulations as to the marking and lighting of the nets, which I am informed are not being adequately observed.

Major WOOD

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the very strong feeling all along the coast of the Moray Firth about this question, and will he see that steps are taken by international action so that something may be done to put an end to this thing, once for all?


I am well aware of the feeling, a feeling that has been there for many years, about this matter, and, as I stated in my answer, the Foreign Office is in communication with the Governments concerned.




We have only got to Question 36.

Major WOOD

I beg to give notice that I shall raise this question on the Motion for the Adjournment of the House on the earliest possible occasion.

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