§ 70. Major BEAUMONT THOMASasked the Minister of Labour who were the members of the Committee appointed by the International Labour Conference at Geneva last October to examine into the unemployment question; what were the terms of reference; on what date was it constituted; whether it has reported; and, if so, on what date?
§ Mr. LAWSONAs the reply is somewhat long, I will circulate it, if I may, in the OFFICIAL REPORT.
§ Following is the reply:
§ This Committee was appointed to undertake a thorough study of the unemployment problem with a view to expressing an opinion on the means of combating the principal causes of the unemployment from which so many workers are now suffering.
§ The members of the Committee are:
§ Governments:
- Mr. Weigert (Germany); substitute, Mr. Laemmle.
- Mr. Hilton (Great Britain).
- Mr. de Michelis (Italy).
- Mr. Yoshisaka (Japan).
§ Employers:
- Mr. Cort van der Linden (Netherlands).
- Mr. Lambert-Ribot (France).
- Mr. Olivetti (Italy).
- Mr. Vogel (Germany).
§ Substitutes:
- Mr. Curcin (Yugoslavia).
- Mr. Forbes Watson (Great Britain).
- Mr. Gérard (Belgium).
- Mr. Miyajima (Japan).
§ Workers:
- Mr. Jouhaux (France).
- Mr. Müller (Germany).
- Mr. Poulton (Great Britain).
- Mr. Schürch (Switzerland).
§ Substitutes:
- Mr. Mertens (Belgium).
- Mr. Johanson (Sweden).
§ I am sending the hon. and gallant Member a copy of the report presented by the Committee on 31st January to the Governing Body of the International Labour Office.