HC Deb 19 February 1931 vol 248 cc1428-9

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been drawn to an inquest held at Ilford, on the 11th instant, at which a woman who has been employed for 15 years in an asbestos factory at Barking was stated to have died from heart failure following bronchial pneumonia accelerated by asbestosis: and whether he can say, in view of the number of deaths at this factory, when the employés will be brought within the provisions of the Silicosis and Asbestosis Act passed last session?


I have had a report on this case from the Senior Medical Inspector of Factories, who attended the inquest. A draft scheme of compensation for this disease was issued last month, together with a draft of the proposed medical scheme by which a medical board will be set up to deal with all cases of silicosis and asbestosis throughout the country. These draft schemes are now under consideration by the various employers' and workers' associations affected; and as soon as I am in possession of their views, I intend at once to review the position. I am much impressed with the urgency of this question and while it is not yet possible to fix a definite date, I am hoping to reach a final settlement by the end of next month.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that on the Friday following this inquest, the death of another woman was inquired into, and the verdict was that death was due to asbestosis caused by inhaling asbestos dust, which had remained in her system.


I have no information on the second case, but it illustrates the need for prompt action.


I wish to give notice, this being a matter of life and death, that I shall take the opportunity of raising the matter on the Adjournment.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a great number of deaths have taken place in this factory through the same trouble?


As my reply indicates, I am doing everything possible to hasten further action on the matter.