HC Deb 11 February 1931 vol 248 cc401-2
56. Colonel HOWARD-BURY

asked the Minister of Transport whether, seeing that a licence for a motor car, according to the regulations in the Post Office Guide, may be renewed up to 14 days after date of expiry and that 78 motorists were recently fined for not renewing their licences on the day following their expiration, he will take steps to make these regulations known?


There are no legal "days of grace" for the renewal of motor vehicle licences, but for administrative reasons and for the convenience of the public, motorists are at present allowed 14 days in which to renew their licences provided that application is made for a renewal licence before the 14 days expire. The privilege should, however, not be abused, and in the cases referred to by the hon. and gallant Member the licences were presumably not renewed before the expiry of the 14 days.


Has the attention of the right hon. Gentleman been called to the fact that they were fined because they did not renew their licences on the day following the expiry of the licences?


Such a case is not personally known to me, but I do not misbelieve the hon. and gallant Member. The answer I have given, however, meets the hon. and gallant Member's point. I do not wish to encourage people to be slack in the renewal of licences.