HC Deb 10 February 1931 vol 248 cc179-82

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware of the formation of a brickmakers selling agency in Glasgow and the West of Scotland, and that the said agency will control the supply of 100,000,000 bricks per annum; whether he is aware of the intention of this agency to fix minimum prices; and what steps he proposes to take to safeguard the operation of the Slum Clearance Act to prevent any attempt to raise prices against local authorities proceeding with schemes of re-housing under the said Act?


I have seen a Press report to the effect that an agency on the lines indicated by my hon. Friend is being set up. If it should appear that the operations of this agency result in an increase in the price of bricks, the matter will at once be brought to the attention of the Inter-Departmental Committee appointed to survey the prices of building materials, but I earnestly trust that the anticipated increase in the number of houses to be built consequent on the passing of the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1930, will not in any quarter be used as an opportunity to increase the cost of building materials.

2. Mr. TRAIN

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of houses built in Glasgow under the various Housing Acts since 1919; the number at present let; and what arrears of rent are outstanding?


As the answer involves a rather long tabular statement, I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Will the hon. Gentleman, in considering this question, consider bringing into line the rents of the houses under the various schemes, and making comparable rents for comparable houses?


The question on the Paper asks, not for an answer on policy, but for a table of statistics. I suggest to the hon. Member that he should pursue his supplementary question on another occasion.

Following is the answer:

The number of houses built in Glasgow under the various Housing Acts since and including that of 1919 up to 31st December, 1930, is as follows:

By Local Authority:
Housing Town Planning etc. (Scotland) Act, 1919 4,988
Housing etc. Act, 1923—
(a) General 2,480
(b) Slum Clearance 4,684
Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1924 12,974
Housing (Scotland) Act, 1930

By Private Enterprise:
Housing (Additional Powers)Act, 1919 146
Housing (Additional Powers)Act, 1919, Public Utility Societies 85
Housing etc. Act, 1923 2,338
Housing etc. Act, 1923, Public Utility Societies
Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1924 2,840
Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1924, Public Utility Societies
Government Steel Houses 760
Grand Total 31,295

I am informed that all the houses built by the corporation are at present let, and that the amount of arrears of rent outstanding on these houses (including recoverable arrears) is approximately £27,200. Corresponding information relating to houses built by assisted private enterprise is not available.

3. Mr. TRAIN

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many local authorities have submitted schemes to the Scottish Department of Health under the recent slum-clearance legislation; how many have been approved; and if any have begun operations?


As the answer is long and involves a number of figures, I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is dm answer:

The Housing (Scotland) Act, 1930, does not require the submission of formal schemes by local authorities, but only of proposals for dealing with insanitary houses.

Up to date, the Department of Health for Scotland have approved for the purposes of subsidy under the Act proposals for the erection of 612 houses by five local authorities, and these authorities have begun operations. In addition, Clearance Resolutions have been submitted to the Department by five other local authorities in terms of Sub-section 2 of Section 1 of the Act in respect of 40 areas embracing 1,780 houses occupied by 7,424 persons. I am aware that proposals are under consideration by many other local authorities.

I may add that 117 out of 227 local authorities have submitted to the Department general statements in terms of Sub-section 2 of Section 22 of the Act, showing that they estimate that 60,201 houses are required to meet their needs, and that they intend to provide 40,822 of these house in the next three years. The local authorities are being asked to expedite the completion of the details of these proposals so that full advantage can be taken of this year's building season.