HC Deb 09 February 1931 vol 248 cc37-8
75. Mr. COLMAN

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air, in view of the recent crashing at Brixton of an aeroplane participating in the taking of a cinematograph film, whether he intends to make regulations to forbid the taking of films or the carrying out of stunt-flying by aeroplanes whilst over the London area, in view of the possible dangers to London residents involved by such flying?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for AIR (Mr. Montague)

The regulations governing civil flying now in force contain provisions the object of which is to prevent danger to life in populated areas. They do not forbid the taking of films in flight, which of itself need not entail additional risks to residents, but they prohibit flight over any city or town except at a height which will enable the aircraft to land outside the city or town should the means of propulsion fail through mechanical breakdown or other cause; they also prohibit any trick or exhibition flying over a populated area and, in general, flying in such a way as to cause unnecessary danger to persons on the ground. As at present advised, therefore, my Noble Friend does not think that further regulations are required. I may add that the circumstances of the accident to which the hon. Member refers are under investigation.


Does the hon. Member not think that the taking of cinemato- graph films might possibly lead to stunt flying? Could not these pictures be taken equally well when flying over the country rather than when flying over the metropolis or other congested areas?


As I have stated, the matter is under inquiry. We are satisfied, so far as our information goes at the present time, that there was no attempt at stunt flying on this occasion.


We are told that there was no attempt at stunt flying in this case, but does the hon. Member not think that the taking of pictures might lead to stunt flying?


Is the hon. Member satisfied that this aircraft was flying at a. sufficiently high altitude not to break the regulations?


That is one of the things that is under inquiry, and I cannot answer the question.