HC Deb 02 February 1931 vol 247 cc1411-4

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he can give the names of those who are members of the executive of the Third International?


A list of the members of the Executive Committee of the Third International and of the International Control Commission was published in the Report of the Sixth Congress of the International held in 1928, the latest occasion on which such a Congress appears to have been held. As this list contains 124 names and is, therefore, rather long, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT. It is possible that since the publication of this list there may have been changes in the composition of the Committee, but my right hon. Friend has no definite information on this subject.


Is it a fact that His Majesty's Government have entered into a Protocol with the Soviet—


The hon. Member put a specific question on the Paper, and it has been fully answered. He cannot now put a, different question.

Following is the list:

EXTRACT from the "Stenographic Report of the Sixth Congress of the Comintern," 1929.


New composition of I.K.K.I. (executive committee of the Communist International) and of I.K.K. (International Control Commission).

Members of the Executive Committee of the Communist International.

  1. 1. Americo Ledo (Brazil).
  2. 2. Barbé (France).
  3. 3. Bell (England).
  4. 4. Blenkle (League of Communist Youth).
  5. 5. Boshkovich (Yugoslavia).
  6. 6. Bukharin (U.S.S.R.).
  7. 7. Vizer (Switzerland).
  8. 8. Gioldi (Argentine).
  9. 9. Gomez (Uruguay).
  10. 10. Gottwald (Czechoslovakia).
  11. 11. Dengel (Germany).
  12. 12. Jakmosh (Belgium).
  13. 13. Jilek (Czechoslovakia).
  14. 14. Carillo (Mexico).
  15. 15. Kato (Japan).
  16. 16. Katayama (Personal).
  17. 17. Campbell (England).
  18. 18. Kolarov (Bulgaria).
  19. 19. Bela Kun (Hungary).
  20. 20. Kuusinen (Personal).
  21. 21. Koplenig (Austria).
  22. 22. Lenski (Poland).
  23. 23. Li-Kuang (China).
  24. 24. Lovestone (America).
  25. 25. Lozovski (U.S.S.R.).
  26. 26. Manner (Finland).
  27. 27. Manuilski (U.S.S.R.).
  28. 28. Mitskevich (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia).
  29. 29. Molotov (U.S.S.R.).
  30. 30. Musso (Indonesia).
  31. 31. Pik (Germany).
  32. 32. Copecky (Rumania).
  33. 33. Prukniak (Poland).
  34. 34. Piatnitski (U.S.S.R.).
  35. 35. Remmele (Germany).
  36. 36. Rest (League of Communist Youth).
  37. 37. Rykov (U.S.S.R.)..
  38. 38. Samuelson (Sweden).
  39. 39. Semar (France).
  40. 40. Serra (Italy).
  41. 41. Sifneos (Greece).
  42. 42. Spector (Canada).
  43. 43. Skrypnik (U.S.S.R.).
  44. 44. Stalin (U.S.S.R.).
  45. 45. Thalmann (Germany).
  46. 1413
  47. 46. Torez (France).
  48. 47. Kerdi (Turkey).
  49. 48. Fermin Araya (Chile).
  50. 49. Foster (America).
  51. 50. Kurubotn (Norway).
  52. 51. Khitarov (League of Communist Youth).
  53. 52. Khsing (China).
  54. 53. Klara Zetkin (Personal).
  55. 54. Tsui Vito (China).
  56. 55. Chatterji (India).
  57. 56. Chilbum (Sweden).
  58. 57. Shmeral (Czechoslovakia).
  59. 58. Ercoli (Italy).
  60. 59. Ember Dro (Personal).

Substitute Members of the Executive Committee of the Communist International.

  1. 1. Asano (Japan).
  2. 2. Biu (League of Communist Youth).
  3. 3. Boshnich (Yugoslavia).
  4. 4. Varga (Secretariat).
  5. 5. Verchik (Czechoslovakia).
  6. 6. de Visser (Holland).
  7. 7. Hansen (Norway).
  8. 8. Garlandi (Italy).
  9. 9. Hekkert (Germany).
  10. 10. Gitlow (America).
  11. 11. Gopner (U.S.S.R.).
  12. 12. Guan-Li (League of Communist Youth).
  13. 13. Gussev (U.S.S.R.).
  14. 14. Guiswood (America).
  15. 15. Darsono (Indonesia).
  16. 16. Dimitrov (Bulgaria).
  17. 17. Dorio (France).
  18. 18. Zapototski (Czechoslovakia).
  19. 19. Cavanagh (Australia).
  20. 20. Lovitski (Poland).
  21. 21. Lopez (Cuba).
  22. 22. Maloka (South Africa).
  23. 23. Mosmusso (France).
  24. 24. Moirova (U.S.S.R.)
  25. 25. Naoroji (India).
  26. 26. Pascal (Spain).
  27. 27. Pollitt (England).
  28. 28. Purman (Poland).
  29. 29. Reiman (Czechoslovakia).
  30. 30. Ruasko-Juls (Columbia and Ecuador).
  31. 31. Silen (Sweden).
  32. 32. Sokolik (Poland).
  33. 33. Tegerson (Denmark).
  34. 34. Turni (Italy).
  35. 35. Ulbricht (Germany).
  36. 36. Fraton (France).
  37. 37. Horner (England).
  38. 38. Chang Tsiao (China).
  39. 39. Chen Kuang (China),
  40. 40. Shauki (Egypt, Palestine and Syria).
  41. 1414
  42. 41. Schneller (Germany).
  43. 42. Ebert, (Germany),
  44. 43 Yaroslayski (U.S.S.R.).

Members of the International Control Commission.

  1. 1. Anvelt (Estonia).
  2. 2. Angaretis (Lithuania).
  3. 3. Shargi (Persia).
  4. 4. Vais (Czechoslovakia).
  5. 5. Gorkich (League of Communist Youth).
  6. 6. Iskrov (Bulgaria).
  7. 7. Cachin (France).
  8. 8. Kodovilla (Argentine).
  9. 9. F. Kon (U.S.S.R.).
  10. 10. Maji (Italy).
  11. 11. Murphy (England).
  12. 12. Mondok (Czechoslovakia).
  13. 13. Sirola (Finland).
  14. 14. Soltz (U.S.S.R.).
  15. 15. Stefanescu (Rumania).
  16. 16. Stuchka (Latvia).
  17. 17. Su-Uen (China).
  18. 18. Flig (Germany).
  19. 19. Cheng Chen (China).
  20. 20. Eberlein (Germany).
  21. 21. Tskhakaia (U.S.S.R.).
  22. 22. Winston (America).