60. Sir F. HALLasked the Home Secretary whether the whereabouts are known of Evelyn Hutchings, a member of 1091 the Moscow International, who was concerned with two men named Allison and Shepherd in a recent attempt to foment mutiny in His Majesty's Navy; and whether steps will be taken to prosecute this person?
§ Sir H. SAMUELI understand that the man in question has not yet been traced. The question of proceedings must necessarily stand over until he is.
Sir F. HALLIn view of the fact that these people, although unsuccessfully, have endeavoured to interfere with the loyalty of the men of the Navy, will the right hon. Gentleman take the most drastic steps to trace this man and see that he is properly dealt with?
§ Sir H. SAMUELYes. Every effort is being made to do so.