HC Deb 30 April 1931 vol 251 cc1790-1
22. Sir K. WOOD

asked the Home Secretary the functions of the Press Bureau at Scotland Yard; how many persons are employed in it; and what is the approximate annual cost of the bureau?


The Press Bureau staff have instructions to make every endeavour to meet the legitimate demands of the Press for news, so far as this can be done without divulging secret or confidential information, or information the publication of which would be improper on other grounds. The bureau is open from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Sundays and 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. on weekdays. The staff numbers four, but these officers do not devote their whole time to this work. The total annual salaries of the four men amount to approximately £1,475, and though it is not possible to apportion their time precisely, it would be approximately correct to assign two-thirds of the amount, say £983, to their "news service" function. The only other expenditure is an amount which it would be difficult to assess, for accommodation, heat and light.


As regards the first part of the hon. Gentleman's answer, dealing with functions, is the Home Secretary giving further consideration to the observations of the Lord Chief Justice on this matter?


Yes, Sir; my right hon. Friend is so doing. But I. might add that he is going to send a communication to the right hon. Gentleman, and also to the ex-Attorney-General, on that matter.


Can my hon. Friend say how long this bureau has been in existence?


Between 10 and 12 years.

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