HC Deb 27 April 1931 vol 251 cc1362-3
65. Captain P. MACDONALD

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has any information as to recent increases in the rate of duty on textiles entering Brazil; and what steps have been taken to secure some mitigation of the duties on British goods?


As the answer is rather long I will, with the hon. and gallant Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

Information as to recent Brazilian decrees increasing the duties on jute, jute yarns, cotton yarns, wool yarns, wool piece goods and various other classes of goods, based on telegraphic information received from His Majesty s Embassy at Rio de Janeiro, published in the "Board of Trade Journal' for the 23rd April, of which I am sending the hon. and gallant Member a copy. The new duties on wool goods are not yet in force. The duties on jute, jute yarns and cotton yarns, although higher than those previously in force, are, I am glad to say, substantially lower than those originally proposed in the Brazilian decree of December last, in regard to which, as the Noble Lady the Member for Kinross and West Perth was informed on the 2nd February last, representations were made to the Brazilian Government by His Majesty's representative at Rio de Janeiro.

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