27. Captain WALLACEasked the President of the Board of Education whether the National Union of Women Teachers will be represented on the Standing Joint Committee on teachers' salaries?
§ Mr. LEES-SMITHI understand that the Standing Joint Committee on the salaries of teachers in public elementary schools will have before them, at their meeting to-morrow, an application from the National Union of Women Teachers for representation on the committee.
Mr. MACLEANIf there is any other body representing a substantial number of school teachers, will the right hon. Gentleman be prepared to consider an application for representation?
§ Mr. LEES-SMITHI presume that they themselves would apply to the Standing Joint Committee.
§ Mr. CAMPBELLIs their application likely to be accepted?
§ Mr. LEES-SMITHThe committee meets to-morrow.