That a Select Committee be appointed to consider which, if any, of the Acts of
Parliament included in the Schedule to the Expiring Laws Continuance Act, 1930, or in Part II of the Schedule to the Expiring Laws Continuance Act, 1928, can with advantage be made permanent or be enacted for periods longer than one year from the dates on which, if not continued, they will expire.
That the Committee consist of Fifteen Members.
Sir Norman Angell, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Denman, Sir Patrick Ford, Lieut.-Colonel Fremantle, Lieut.-Colonel Heneage, Mr. Leif Jones, Lieut.-Commander Ken-worthy, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Lovat-Fraser, Sir Basil Peto, Major Graham Pole, Mr. Richards, Mr. Graham White, and Sir E. Hilton Young nominated Members of the Committee.
That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers and records:
§ That Five be the quorum."—[Mr. T. Kennedy.]