HC Deb 21 April 1931 vol 251 c785
22. Captain P. MACDONALD

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has any information as to the condition of the waters around Southampton and the Isle of Wight; and whether the recent stranding of ocean-going vessels was due to any uncharted obstructions?


There is no evidence in my possession which suggests that the recent strandings were due to uncharted obstructions, nor am I aware of any dangers to navigation in the waters referred to which are not known to sailors.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say why these vessels stranded?


The usual forms have been lodged, and in two cases there was fog, and in another case haze and certain other explanations.


asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the circumstances of the recent groundings of three important vessels at the approaches to the port of Southampton have been brought to his attention; whether he proposes that an official inquiry shall be held as to what improvements are possible in the approach to Southampton for large liners; and whether the Government will call for a report and consider what, if any, assistance they can give towards carrying out the works required?


I am aware of the circumstances attending the grounding of the vessels referred to. The question of improving the approach to Southampton is one for the consideration of the harbour and lighthouse authorities concerned, and I am communicating with those authorities on the question. When their replies are received, the matter will be considered again.