HC Deb 21 April 1931 vol 251 cc792-3

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that young women sent to certain industrial institutions in Edinburgh and Aberdeen are sent out by those institutions to work as domestic servants without any wages and under such conditions of service that the girls go back to their homes and are then re-arrested and given heavier sentences; and whether he will inquire into the matter with a view to improving the conditions of these young women?


I assume that the question refers to girls in industrial schools conducted under the Children Act and I have made inquiry from all such schools in Scotland. I find that there is no justification for the suggestion made in the question. In all cases girls sent from these institutions to domestic service are engaged for a money wage in addition to board and lodging. In most cases the wages are paid direct to the girls, but in some, banking arrangements under the supervision of the school are made in the interest of the girls themselves. The school authorities investigate the character of the situation at the outset, and at regular intervals ascertain that the girls are working under satisfactory conditions.


Is it not the case that many of these girls are not told anything about the fact that banking arrangements are being made for any wages paid, and that some of these girls have been in employment without having a halfpenny to spend for many months?


I will certainly be prepared to make investigations into the statement made by my hon. Friend, but he can rest assured that on the informa- tion provided to me from the 10 industrial schools referred to there is no justification for his statement.


If the reply is such as has been made by these industrial schools, and if the facts which are in the possession of several hon. Members are against that reply, will the hon. Member use his influence with the Secretary of State to have an inquiry into this matter?


Do I understand that these banking arrangements are made voluntarily by the girls, or is it an involuntary thing?


These arrangements are made by the industrial schools themselves and the wages are paid directly to the girls in all cases, with the exception of two, according to the information at my disposal.