HC Deb 21 April 1931 vol 251 cc773-4
10. Mr. HURD

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether the Governments of the wheat-growing Dominions are being consulted as to the form of wheat quota in British fiscal policy which would best encourage, their importations into this country?


His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom have undertaken to consult the Governments of the wheat-growing Dominions as soon as they are in a position to do so. The position is set out on page 49 of the Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference of 1930.


Inasmuch as this matter is now understood to be receiving the immediate attention of the Cabinet, will not the right hon. Gentleman take this opportunity of consulting the Dominions before any decision is come to by the Government here?


Oh, no. The Dominions made it perfectly clear at the Imperial Conference that their policy was to consider the interests of their awn people first; and I shall not he accused of being unfair if I say that that must equally be the position of this country.


Would not the right hon. Gentleman be in a better position to make a policy here that might be acceptable all round if—


That appears to be a matter of opinion.


In view of the fact that India is a wheat exporting country and that the Dominion of South Africa is not, will the right hon. Gentleman see that in these negotiations a representative of India is also included?


Certainly. The proceedings of the last Imperial Conference show that India was represented, and the Indian representative made it perfectly clear all through that they were not likely to be ignored.