HC Deb 15 April 1931 vol 251 cc172-3
16. Mr. DAY

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether the Air Ministry has now had an opportunity of considering the report on the R 101; and whether he can make a statement as to the final disposal of the R 100?

17. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether he is now in a position to give the House any information about the future disposal of the airship R 100?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for AIR (Mr. Montague)

The report of the R 101 Inquiry was only received on the eve of the Easter Recess and future airship policy is still under consideration of His Majesty's Government. Pending a decision on policy, I am not in a position to make any statement as to R 100.


Can the hon. Gentleman say when he will be able to make a statement with regard to this airship?


I hope a decision will be come to within a fortnight or so.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Will it not be necessary to come to Parliament for money before any further experiments can take place with R 100?


An amount of £50,000 was allocated in the Estimates to keep a minimum staff together on airship work. Beyond that it depends on the question of policy.

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