§ 41. Sir JOHN FERGUSONasked the President of the Board of Education whether the Board has any power to advise upon or to revise the curriculum generally adopted by the great public schools not under its control, in view of the necessity to adjust the curriculum in such a manner as may enable education for commerce to help the re-organisation of British trade?
§ The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Sir Charles Trevelyan)Certain of the great public schools from time to time invite inspection by the Board's inspectors, and their reports contain references to the curriculum. Apart from such inspections the Board have no information as to the curriculum followed in the public schools and no opportunities for making any comments on the subject.
§ Mr. ANNESLEY SOMERVILLEIs it not a fact that in the schools in question in recent years the curriculum has been greatly broadened by the introduction of courses of instruction in economics, industry, agriculture and commerce?
§ Sir C. TREVELYANYes, there has been a great improvement.