HC Deb 17 November 1930 vol 245 cc31-3

asked the Minister of Agriculture the total number of lads that have passed through the Carr Hall Farm, Latham, Lancashire, since its inception; the number actually trained on the farm as farm workers and the number let out to farmers in the vicinity; whether any payment was received from the employers for the services rendered by these lads; any payment made to the lads by the employers; the total cost of the training, and the cost to the Government; and whether, in view of the unemployment in the district among farm workers who do not receive unemployment benefit, it is the intention of the Ministry to finance this scheme in future?


I have been asked to answer this question. As the answer is necessarily a long and detailed one, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

A hostel was established in 1928 on the Carr Hall Farm by the Liverpool Education Committee, where boys from Liverpool and district intending to take up farm work overseas receive a short preliminary training free of charge. The system was based upon that which had already proved successful in the case of a similar centre established at Newcastle, i.e., the boys proceed daily to neighbouring farms where the farmers train them. There is no contract of service or apprenticeship and no payments are therefore made by or to the farmers. From the inception of the scheme to the 30th September, 1930, 193 boys have passed through the hostel, of whom 164 were approved by the Dominion authorities and proceeded overseas. They have all received their training in farm work from neighbouring farmers. The total cost of the training has been £2,757, of which the Government and the Liverpool Education Committee have each paid one-half under the terms of the Empire Settlement Act. It is proposed to continue to co-operate in this scheme so long as there are suitable openings in the Dominions for the boys so trained.