HC Deb 12 November 1930 vol 244 c1650
12. Mr. DAY

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the number of applications that have been made to his Department, during the 12 months ended to the last convenient date, by officers (ex-mate class) to take specialist courses; the number of these that have been selected; and will he give particulars of the number of ex-mates who have been promoted to commander on the active list during the same period?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. A. V. Alexander)

During the 12 months ended 31st October, 1930, seven applications were received from officers, ex-mate, to take specialist courses. Of these, three officers have already been selected, and it is anticipated that two more will he appointed in January next and two in February. During the same period two lieutenant-commanders, ex-mate, have been promoted to commander.


Can the First Lord of the Admiralty say whether the small number of applications is due to the difficulty of the examination?


I think it is due to a variety of causes. The whole question of the position of the mates and ex-mates has not been satisfactory.