HC Deb 12 November 1930 vol 244 cc1650-1
14. Major ROSS

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he will introduce a scheme for the pension and compensation of ranks and ratings in the Royal Navy and employés in naval establishments rendered superfluous by the London Naval Treaty?


As regards personnel of the Royal Navy, I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the reply which I gave him on the 25th June (OFFICIAL REPORT, Columns 1125–6). So far as employés in the Royal Dockyards are concerned, the occasion to consider the introduction of any special scheme of the kind suggested has not arisen, as there is sufficient work to keep the dockyards, with the normal fluctuations in numbers, fully employed.

Major ROSS

Has the right hon. Gentleman considered any scheme, as he suggested in his previous answer to which he has referred me, in regard to officers who are to be retired from the Navy?


The hon. and gallant Member's question in this case refers to reductions due to the London Naval Treaty. I said then that we would take into consideration the position of officers whom we failed to absorb. At the moment I am riot prepared to go further than that; we must wait and see what the outcome is.

Major ROSS

The right hon. Gentleman is bearing it in mind for the future?