HC Deb 29 May 1930 vol 239 cc1467-8
36. Captain Sir WILLIAM BRASS

asked the Home Secretary whether, in order to reduce the number of accidents to pedestrians, he will consider giving orders for the marking out of special pedestrians' ways across the main roads in the metropolitan area by means of large metal studs as is the common practice in Paris?


This has been considered but, in the absence of any power to require pedestrians to follow special ways which might be marked out across the roads in London, it seems very doubtful whether this expedient would offer any advantage over the provision already made for the guidance and protection of pedestrians by means, for example, of the erection of "Please Cross Here" notices at appropriate points. The whole question is receiving close and continuous study by the police and traffic authorities.


Will the right hon. Gentleman take into account the extra confidence which these studs would give to the pedestrian, and also the warning they would give to motorists?


That is a matter which I might represent to those who have the subject under consideration.

Lieut.-Colonel Sir G. DALRYMPLEWHITE

Is there any power to prevent pedestrians who wilfully obstruct the traffic? I saw a man only yesterday at the top of Whitehall who stood in the middle of the traffic for over three minutes without making any real effort to get across.


I have indicated in my answer the difficulty that would arise from lack of power to compel people to conform to notices put up for their safety.