HC Deb 28 May 1930 vol 239 cc1293-4
53. Mr. MANDER

asked the First Commissioner of Works if he will consider providing the Terrace with chairs and tables more in keeping with its historic architectural surroundings than are available there at the present time?


In view of the fact that in the near future the Terrace is likely to be the scene of building operations in connection with the repair of the stonework, and as the question of the raising of the level of the river wall is now under consideration, I do not think that the present time is opportune for the consideration of the improvement suggested.


Does not the right hon. Gentleman feel that much of what is there now is ugly and out of keeping with its unique surroundings, and will he not take steps to put something there which is more appropriate?


If anything has to be done, it will be done after the river wall has been raised and also after the building operations have been carried, out.


Arising out of the answer of the right hon. Gentleman, will he take care that in these operations no unduly hard manual labour is involved?


I will take very good care to carry the work through, if it is entrusted to me, under the best rationalised conditions, and I will take good care not to attempt to engage the right hon. Gentleman.