HC Deb 20 March 1930 vol 236 c2071
14. Captain EDEN

asked the Minister of Labour the number of registered unemployed in the City of Coventry on 11th March last; and what was the number on the corresponding date last year?


At 10th March, 1930, there were 5,516 persons on the register of the Coventry Employment Exchange including 3,167 wholly unemployed and 2,349 temporarily stopped. At 11th March, 1929, the corresponding total was 2,241, including 1,618 wholly unemployed and 623 temporarily stopped.

Captain EDEN

Is it a fact that the figures which the right hon. Lady has just given are the worst ever recorded for the month of March in the history of the City of Coventry, and has she drawn the attention of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to his share of the responsibility for them?