HC Deb 11 March 1930 vol 236 cc1083-4
15. Mr. HARDIE

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that the tanning trade in Scotland is suffering from a shortage of pig skins; and what steps he proposes to take to increase the supply?

The SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Mr. William Adamson)

I have not received any representations to the effect that the tanning trade in Scotland is suffering from a shortage of pig skins. I am aware, however, that the number of pigs in the country varies from year to year. The Department of Agriculture for Scotland administer several schemes for the improvement of the breeding and rearing of pigs and my hon. Friend may rest assured that everything possible is being done to stimulate this industry.


Has the right hon. Gentleman received representations from those who have tanneries, or will he receive a deputation from them?


I have already said that I have received no direct representations from the tanneries, but if they want to send a deputation I shall be quite prepared to meet it.