§ 20. Mr. DUNCAN MILLARasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has received copies of the resolutions passed recently at mass meetings of farmers, farm servants, and other agriculturists held in Scotland, and also passed by other agricultural bodies, on the subject of the crisis in the potato trade and of the effect of the importation of foreign bounty-fed cereals; and what action he proposes to take in the matter?
Mr. ADAMSONThe answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. I fully appreciate the special difficulties in which arable farmers find them- 1085 selves at the present time owing to the prevailing low prices for their chief products and, while I am not in a position at present to add anything to what has been said by my colleagues and myself in recent replies in the House, I am carefully examining the situation and possible means of alleviation in conjunction with the other Ministers who are concerned.
§ Mr. MILLARIs the right hon. Gentleman not aware of the very serious situation that exists in the county of Fife and other grain-producing areas, and will he not be in a position to make an immediate announcement as to what the policy of the Government is in view of the very strong feeling that exists throughout the country?
Mr. ADAMSONI have already assured the hon. Member that I am fully aware of the difficulties, and that I am carefully examining the situation and looking for a satisfactory solution.
§ Mr. HERBERT GIBSONIs it not a fact that the hands of the Government are tied by an international Convention signed by the previous Government?
§ Mr. MACQUISTENWill the right hon. Gentleman inquire into the practice on the Continent that all surplus potatoes and other crops are used for power alcohol distilleries?