HC Deb 03 June 1930 vol 239 cc1955-6
33. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that service in the Harrow officers' training corps is compulsory; and whether he has had any recent report of its discipline and efficiency?


asked the Secretary of State for War with regard to the trouble in the Harrow School officers' training corps, if he will inquire whether that officers' training corps is a compulsory organisation; and, if so, whether he will withdraw the State grant from the military organisation at that school?

39. Mr. EDE

asked the Secretary of State for War in how many schools to which he makes a grant for the officers' training corps membership of such corps is compulsory; if he sanctions such compulsion; and what steps he will take to bring his views to the notice of the school authorities?


Arrangements for recruiting for contingents of the Junior Division of the Officers' Training Corps rest with the school authorities. So far as the Army Council are concerned, there is no question of compulsion, direct or indirect. I am, at the present time, having the whole position examined, and I am not in a position to go into greater detail on those points which depend on the result of that examination. As regards reports on the Harrow officers' training corps, these are rendered annually; that for 1930 is not yet due.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Will the right hon. Gentleman explain how it came about that during the discussion on the Army Estimates he assured us that there was no compulsion regarding these corps?


I did not do anything of the kind. I said that the War Office was not responsible for any kind of compulsion.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Did not the right hon. Gentleman say that he was not aware of any?

Lieut.-Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the employment of the Eton officers' training corps in the event of further trouble at Harrow?


Will the right hon. Gentleman, in taking the circumstances into his consideration, have regard to the question of whether grants ought to be given to officers' training corps where compulsion is made the rule?


I have already said that I am examining the whole position at the present moment.


May I have an answer to my question? Will the right hon. Gentleman take that into consideration?

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY rose


Mr. Ede.