HC Deb 03 June 1930 vol 239 cc1943-4
12. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he can give the House any account of the success of his efforts in preventing factories, mines, etc., from closing down during the present trade depression; and if he has any estimate of the number of men and women he has prevented from being thrown out of employment as a result of such intervention?


I am afraid that it would not be possible to give the information for which my hon. Friend is asking without disclosing particulars which it would not be in the public interest and certainly against the interests of employment to divulge. I may say that I am almost daily engaged in endeavouring to make financial provisions to prevent the closing of works, but obviously I cannot mention firms across the Floor of the House.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Cannot the Lord Privy Seal give an estimate in answer to the second part of the question, and also in reply to the accusations made by hon. Members opposite about putting people out of work?


As far as those accusations are concerned, I am fairly thick skinned.

Viscountess ASTOR

Can the Lord Privy Seal tell us of any work that this Government has given to the quarter of million of women who have been added to the unemployment figures since they came into power?


The Noble Lady must know very well that there are training centres for women, and she also knows very well that neither this nor any other Government, even if she herself was at the head of the Government, could set out merely to provide for a sex as distinct from the general body of unemployed.