HC Deb 31 July 1930 vol 242 c690

asked the Minister of Health if he will state the number of public assistance committees that have refused permission to the Press to attend the general meetings of the committees; and, if he is not in possession of this information, will he take steps to secure it?


I regret that the information asked for by my hon. Friend is not in my possession, and that I do not think I should be justified in asking local authorities to furnish it, since, as I have previosuly pointed out, the matter is one which Parliament has left to the discretion of local authorities. Inquiries which I have made go to show that local authorities are averse from any interference with that discretion.


Does my right hon. Friend recall that he gave an undertaking some time ago that he would communicate with the County Councils' Association and the Association of Municipal Corporations on this matter in relation to a private Member's Bill, which is before the House? Has he so communicated; and, if so, what was the result of the inquiry?


I have already stated in my answer that Inquiries which I have made go to show that local authorities are averse from any interference with that discretion.