§ Message from the Lords:
§ "That they agree to the Amendment made by the Commons to the Housing (No. 2) Bill, in, lieu of certain of their Amendments to which the Commons have disagreed and to the Commons consequential Amendment to the Bill, without Amendment; they do not insist on certain of their Amendments to which disagreed, but propose lieu of one of the said disagree to one of the by the Commons in lieu of certain of their Amendments, to which disagreed, for which disagreement they assign their Reason."
§ Motion made, and Question, "That the Lords Amendment in lieu of one of their Amendments disagreed to by the Commons and Lords Reason for disagreeing to Commons Amendment proposed in lieu of two Lords Amendments disagreed to by the Commons, be Considered forth-with," put and agreed to.—[Mr. Greenwood.]
§ Lords Amendment considered accordingly.